加州大学伯克利分校University of California berkeley (UC Berkeley)是州立加利福尼亚大学的9所分校中历史最久、最著名的一所。下面一诺留学就为大家介绍下美国留学加州大学伯克利分校地理专业。
课程名:Major in Geography
所属学校:加州大学伯克利分校 University of California Berkeley
The undergraduate major in geography therefore includes the study of various aspects of, cultural, human, physical, and regional geography as well as cartography, quantitative methods, and field work. Backgrounds in the natural and social sciences, history, and statistical methods will be found useful to the geography major, the emphasis depending on the student's particular interests. It allows specialization in the area of the student's chief interest, and assumes that the student has previously achieved some breadth in the basics of geography through completion of the lower division requirements. A late-declaring major (determined as a Senior) who has not completed one of the lower division requirements will be required to complete an upper division equivalent to be chosen in consultation with a departmental advisor.
Applicants should complete the ACT Assessment plus Writing Test or the SAT Reasoning Test. In addition, all applicants must complete two SAT Subject Tests in different subject areas selected from history, literature, mathematics (Math Level 2 only), science or a language other than English. Students who are California resident with a GPA of 3.0 or above in the required courses, must achieve the test score total indicated in the University’s Freshman Eligibility Index. Nonresidents must attain a minimum 3.4 GPA in the A - G courses and the test score total indicated in the Eligibility Index under Non-California Residents, or meet eligibility requirements by examination alone.
课程费用:US $10,011 per semester
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