奥本大学Auburn University是一所综合性公立大学,成立于1856年。奥本大学Auburn University在2012年美国大学综合排名中列第82位。2010-2011年度本国学生的学费和费用是$7,900,国际学生的学费和费用21916美元。下面一诺留学就为大家介绍下美国留学奥本大学社会学专业。
课程名:Master of Science in Rural Sociology
所属学校:奥本大学 Auburn University
The Masters degree in Sociology is offered as a cooperative Interdepartmental Program between the Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work (College of Liberal Arts, AU), the Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology (College of Agriculture, AU), and the Department of Sociology (AUM). The Program is administered by three Co-Directors, one from each Department. Six persons, including the Co-Directors and one faculty member from each of the three departments, make up the Program's Coordinating Committee.
Admission to our Program involves two steps: (1) application to the AU Graduate School, and (2) review of the application by the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee. Once a completed application has been received by the AU Graduate School, the application is forwarded to one designated Program Co-Director (currently the Co-Director representing the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work on the AU-Main Campus). This individual distributes the application materials to the other two Co-Directors, who solicit input from members of their faculty regarding the acceptability of the applicant. The Program Co-Directors collectively make a recommendation regarding admission, which is passed to the Graduate School by the Program Co-Director who served as the initial point of contact for the application. The final decision on admission to the Graduate School is made by the Dean of the AU Graduate School.
Students should submit a completed application form along with the non refundable fee 0f $50; high school or college transcripts; SAT or ACT test scores; TOEFL scores; an acceptable Affidavit of Financial Support; an acceptable Supporting Bank Letter. All application materials should be sent to International Admissions Office, Room 322, Foy Student union , Auburn, AL 36849-5145.
课程费用:$8820 for 10 - 15 credit hours per semester
版权所有@2012-2016 一诺留学网 京ICP备12034294号-1
联系电话:400-003-6508 010-62680991 传真:010-82483329 邮箱:service.bj@yinuoedu.net