哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)是一所私立大学,成立于1754年。哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)在2012年美国大学综合排名中列第4位。它2011-2012年度的学费和杂费45290美元。下面一诺留学就为大家介绍下美国留学哥伦比亚大学社会学专业。
课程名:Master of Education in Sociology and Education
所属学校:哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University
The Master of Education in Sociology and Education (with a policy concentration option) is an advanced master’s degree pursued by students who already possess a master’s degree in a substantive area of education or by students without a prior master’s degree who want an opportunity to combine study in sociology and education with another area in education. The program involves study of sociological perspectives and methods in the context of contemporary educational policy issues. Current substantive areas that can be combined with study in sociology and policy include evaluation and institutional analysis, human development, technology, curriculum, administration, and foundations. Students completing this program are prepared to assume positions as specialists in a variety of organizations devoted to applied educational research, policy making, advocacy, consulting, and management of educational activities.
To be admitted to these schools, the applicant must have completed a degree considered in the United States to be equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree with a strong academic record.
Components of the Complete Application: Completed application form, Application Fee-New applicants: $65, Personal Statement, Official Transcript(s)-First-time applicants to the College must submit one official transcript from each college or university in which they were enrolled for any period of time, showing all courses, grades and degrees received, if any, Letters of Reference-Please submit two letters of reference, unless a third is required, Additional Requirements, Resume, Standardized Tests, Program Code-All applicants submitting a paper application should be sure to indicate the code of the program to which they are applying in the space provided in the lower left-hand corner of the return envelope.
课程费用:Estimated cost of attendance $1030 per point
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