达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College是一所私立大学,成立于1769年。达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College在2012年美国大学综合排名中列第11位。它2011-2012年度的学费和杂费42996美元。下面一诺留学就为大家介绍下美国留学达特茅斯学院社会学专业。
课程名:Modified Major in Sociology
所属学校:达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College
Sociology enables us to understand the structure and dynamics of society, and their intricate connections to patterns of human behavior and individual life changes. It examines the ways in which the forms of social structure -- groups, organizations, communities, social categories (such as class, sex, age, or race), and various social institutions (such as kinship, economic, political, or religious) affect human attitudes, actions, and opportunities. The discipline also explores how both individuals and collectivities construct, maintain, and alter social organization in various ways. Sociology asks about the sources and consequences of change in social arrangements and institutions, and about the satisfactions and difficulties of planning, accomplishing, and adapting to such change. Areas studied in examining social dynamics include: culture, values, socialization, cooperation, conflict, power, exchange, inequality, deviance, social control, violence, order and social change.
Students must have completed their secondary school education and have subsequently enrolled at a college or university and earned credit, in order to be considered for transfer admission. Students are admitted to the freshman class on the basis of strong academic performance in a rigorous course of college preparatory study, especially in the areas of math and science; The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of transfer applicants whose native language is not English and who have not been studying in an English-speaking country for two years or more. The vast majority of students accepted score better than a 600 on the paper-based test or better than 250 on the computer-based test. Students should have SAT or ACT Test for the admission.
Students are encouraged to apply online or paper application through the Common Application. Students must pay an application fee of $70 which is non refundableCompleted applications should be received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The TOEFL scores, the official or certified copies of grade reports (mark sheets) of secondary and post-secondary education records, and Certification of Finances. Students should also submit the results of the SAT or ACT. Applicants will be notified of the decisions of the Admissions Committee in early May. Questions about transfer admission and application should be directed to Transfer Information, for application for admission and other information contact: Undergraduate Admissions, Dartmouth College, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 6016 McNutt Hall, Hanover, NH 03755. Phone: (603) 646-2875. Mail to Admissions.Office@Dartmouth.Edu.
课程费用:US $36,915 a year
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