霍华德大学Howard University是一所私立大学,成立于1867年。霍华德大学Howard University在2012年美国大学综合排名中列第115位。其2011-2012年度的学费和杂费是19741美元。下面一诺留学就为大家介绍下美国留学霍华德大学社会学专业。
课程名:Ph.D. in Sociology-Medical Sociology
所属学校:霍华德大学 Howard University
This program focuses on the social contexts of physical and mental health. It examines the subjective aspects of illness, the interplay of social inequality and health and health behaviors, and physician patient relationships with a focus on gender and race. In addition, it presents a discussion on the organization and structure of the healthcare system and the social forces that influence that system. Core courses also stress the dynamics of health populations, the etiology of diseases, the distribution of health conditions as a result of socio-demographic and related conditions and health services research. Students apply their theoretical and analytical skills to investigate topics relevant to health, illness, and healthcare.
Student submit official transcripts, final certificates and/or mark/grade sheets must be sent directly from the college or university to the Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions, and must show proof of degree(s) earned, courses taken and marks/grades received. If the documents are not in English, they must be accompanied by an official translated copy. All documents must bear the same name that appears on the admissions application unless an official document so submitted indicating a change of name. TOEFL Scores (Minimum computer-based score of 213 is required and only official score reports are accepted within 2 years of the test date) www.toelf.org. TOEFL scores must be sent directly from ETS (HU code: 5297). The TOEFL test is not required if student received a degree in the U.S.
Student will submit application with a $45 application fee in U.S. dollars in the form of a money order, cashier's check, or credit card. (Credit card authorization form is included with application packet.) Personal checks are not accepted. Application fees are not waived. One letter of recommendation from a teacher. Scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are required for applicants whose native language is not English. For additional information contact the Office of International Student Services at (202) 806-7517.
课程费用:$8490 per semester
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