爱荷华州立大学Iowa State University是一所公立大学,成立于1858年。爱荷华州立大学Iowa State University在2012年美国大学综合排名中列第97位。其2011-2012年度本国学生的学费和杂费7486美元,国际学生的学杂费19358美元。下面一诺留学就为大家介绍下美国留学爱荷华州立大学社会学专业。
课程名:Masters Degree in Sociology
所属学校:爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University
The M.S. degree provides advanced training for work in specialized public and private human service programs, undergraduate teaching, applied research, and work in business, or preparation for continued education at the Ph.D. level. Students seeking the M.S. degree receive a broad background in sociology, encompassing the major research and theoretical concerns of the discipline. For this reason, core courses that survey the field of sociological knowledge are required.
Applicants must possess a baccalaureate from an accredited college or university and must present evidence of their qualifications for advanced study. Admissions is based on GPA, G.M.A.T., essays, recommendations, and written application; TOEFL required for international applicants.
This Department welcomes applications for admission into this program offering training for the degrees Master of Science in Sociology, Master of Science in Rural Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, and Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Sociology. Take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) general test, and designate Iowa State University to receive candidate's scores. To register go to www.ets.org/gre and have candidate's credit card ready. The cost is $140. This exam is administered at many locations in the USA and around the world. Write a personal statement detailing candidate's background, experiences, skills, and goals relevant to graduate study(online application also). Ask three professors who know candidate's abilities whether they would be willing to write online letters of recommendation for candidate . Keep a copy of these professors’ names and email addresses handy because candidate will need to enter them into candidate's online application. Complete the Iowa State University graduate online admissions form. Go to www.admissions.iastate.edu/apply. Under either the U.S. Citizen or International column, click on graduate. Click online application. Create candidate's personal account and then complete the online application form. Have candidate's credit card ready because candidate will need to pay an admissions and processing fee.
课程费用:$8665 per semester having 9 or more credits
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