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时间:2015-09-10  / 编辑:liliang


  普林斯顿大学—Master of Science in Engineering



  Statement of Academic Purpose

  Applicants will be required to upload a statement of academic purpose with the admission application in the space provided.

  Please write a statement of your current academic and future career plans as they relate to the Princeton department to which you are applying. In doing so, please cite relevant academic, professional and personal experiences that influenced your decision to apply for graduate admission and to obtain a graduate degree. Your statement should not exceed 1,000 words and must be written in English.

  Please be sure to review your final statement before uploading it and submitting your admission application. The Graduate School will not, for any reason, accept revised statements of academic purpose.

  哥伦比亚大学—Master in Mathematics of Finance



  Statement of Academic Purpose

  Please use your statement of academic purpose to address the following:

  Why do you want to study the mathematics of finance, and why do you want to do it in Columbia University’s Mathematics of Finance program?

  How have your activities since finishing high school prepared you to study the mathematics of finance?

  How have you satisfied the mathematics, statistics, and programming prerequisites listed above? We often spend an inordinate amount of time sifting through the application to figure this out. List mathematics, statistics, computer science, and programming courses you have taken, and list projects and activities where you have used these skills

  哥伦比亚大学—M.S. Financial Engineering


  01/06, 未标明年份

  Personal statement

  Describe how your professional and academic background has prepared you to pursue an advanced degree in the field of engineering or applied science at Columbia University. If there are any special circumstances that need to be brought to the attention of the Admission Committee, please include that information.

  斯坦福大学—MS computational and mathematical engineering-Mathematical & Computational Finance Track



  Statement of Purpose

  Your Statement of Purpose should identify personal and professional goals. You should also discuss your development to date, and your intentions relative to graduate study and life beyond Stanford. The ICME Graduate Admissions Committee reads your statement of purpose with interest because, along with the letters of recommendation, it offers insight into who you are as an individual. Your statement of purpose should not exceed 10MB in either a PDF or Word file.

  Please do not submit a second hard copy of it along with your supporting documents.

  芝加哥大学—Master of Science in Financial Mathematics


  01/07/2015, 2016年未更新

  Candidate Statement

  Please discuss your academic and career objectives. Be as specific as you can about the fields in which you plan to study and your particular research interests. Beyond what is apparent from your transcripts, describe your preparation for proposed program of study, including research projects in which you have participated. Your statement is an important part of your application. It should be clear, concise, and well crafted.

  Please note: Applicants to the Geophysical Sciences department should follow the special directions and use the Candidate Statement upload on the Geophysical Sciences Supplement page rather than submitting it here.

  Please note: For applicants to the MS-PSD program, the Candidate Statement should also include a statement of what you intend to do following the successful completion of the program.

  Please upload or paste your candidate statement in the space provided below; if you use both, only the uploaded document will be saved. Please note that there is a 2500 word limit for submissions pasted in the box below.

  康奈尔大学—Master of Engineering-Financial Engineering Concentration



  Statement of Purpose

  This should describe your objectives in pursuing the Master of Engineering (M.Eng) degree program in ORIE. If you are interested in pursuing a specific concentration within the M.Eng program, i.e., financial engineering, manufacturing, etc., please state specific reasons why you wish to be considered for that concentration.

  圣母大学—The Master of Science in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics with a specialty in Computational Finance



  Statement of Purpose

  This should describe your objectives in pursuing the Master of Engineering (M.Eng) degree program in ORIE. If you are interested in pursuing a specific concentration within the M.Eng program, i.e., financial engineering, manufacturing, etc., please state specific reasons why you wish to be considered for that concentration.

  圣母大学—The Master of Science in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics with a specialty in Computational Finance



  Statement of Intent

  The statement of intent should capture your intellectual development and interests. It should generally be 1–3 double-spaced pages in length. Once you have drafted your statement, ask a few faculty members to review it. A trip to the writing center is also beneficial as you work to polish the finished product. This is your opportunity to present a strong argument about why you would be an excellent student in the program, so be sure that you are completely satisfied with the document you submit.

  Establish your desire for the degree and how you envision using your training and knowledge in the future.

  Articulate why you have selected your specific program, i.e.. how your interest coincides with those of the faculty.

  Identify the strengths that you would bring to the program (e.g., credentials, experience).

  Explain any unusual situations but refrain from providing excuses.

  Be sure to include your name and prospective program on each page of the statement—even though you submit the document electronically.

  加州大学伯克利分校—Master of Financial Engineering




  1. Please provide a statement regarding your experience, if any, in applying your quantitative skills in problem solving in business or research settings. (maximum: 250 words)

  2. Please discuss your intermediate and long-term professional goals and why you want an MFE degree at this point in your career. (maximum: 250 words)

  3. Innovation is often viewed as one of the hallmarks of successful financial practitioners. Please describe how you have demonstrated this characteristic in your personal or professional life. (maximum 250 words)

  4. How will your presence in the MFE program benefit the other students? What do you think you will be able to contribute to their experience while at Berkeley? (maximum 250 words)

  5. RE-APPLICANTS ONLY: Please let us know what has changed since your previous application. Please include coursework taken, exams you have retaken, degrees started or completed, and updates to employment even if they are noted in other sections of the application.

  卡内基梅隆大学—Master of Science in Computational Finance


  11/05/2015; 01/10/2016; 03/10/2016; 05/05/2016

  Essay A (Required for Full- and Part-Time Applicants)

  What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will your previous academic and professional experience contribute to help you achieve those goals, and also help you to succeed in the MSCF Program at Carnegie Mellon University?

  Essay B (Required for Full- and Part-Time Applicants)

  Describe your background and preparation in the four concentration areas of the MSCF program – finance, computer science, math and statistics. In particular, please detail your background in calculus-based probability. If your only exposure to probability was as part of a course that combined probability and statistics, please list the probability topics covered by this course.

  南加州大学Master of Science in Financial Engineering


  12/15/2015; 01/15/2016

  Statement of Purpose (Optional):

  The statement of purpose should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the Viterbi School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study.

  南加州大学—M.S. in Mathematical Finance



  As part of your application for admission to the USC Master of Science of Mathematical Finance program, please submit a Statement of Purpose that encapsulates your motivation in seeking an MS degree.

  Your statement should demonstrate an ability to synthesize your professional/personal experiences and desire to enter the field of Mathematical Finance. Use the following questions as a guide for topics to address within the statement and not a format for your statement. Please limit your statement to five double-spaced pages (1500 words) written in English. This statement will be used to assess your creativity, critical thinking, self-awareness and writing skills.

  Describe your understanding of the Mathematic Finance profession and its current trends.

  What significant relationships and life experiences have you had in giving or receiving help that have motivated you to enter the field of Mathematical Finance?

  What personal qualities equip you for the Mathematical Finance profession? Discuss your experiences and feelings about working with in this industry (if applicable).

  Discuss your undergraduate/graduate academic experience and include a description of your academic strengths and weaknesses. Please explain any grade deficiencies and what you have done to improve them.

  加州大学洛杉矶分校—Master of Financial Engineering


  01/31/2016; 03/31/2016; 05/31/2016


  Financial engineering requires a combination of mathematical/quantitative abilities and creative thinking. Describe a project you worked on, either as a student or professional, that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills. Tell us why this project was interesting to you. (maximum 750 words)

  Why does a career in quantitative finance appeal to you? Based on your abilities and what you know about careers in financial engineering, why do you think this is the right career path for you? (maximum 750 words)


  Feel free to provide any other information you think would help us evaluate your potential to succeed in the program. (maximum 375 words)

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