1. What kind of off-campus studyprograms are available?
2. How many students stay on-campusduring the weekends?
3. Are there career planning servicesavailable?
4. What is the town where the collegeis located like?
5. Tell me about freshmanorientation.
6. Will I have an academic advisor?
7. What are the current housingoptions?
8. Will I have any graduate assistantsteaching my classes?
9. Are there any academic supportservices available?
10.What does your college have tooffer in terms of finding a job after graduation?
11.Do you have a program that helpsyou find internships?
12.What is your internship program like?What percentage of students participate in an internship?
13.What is the admissions decisionprocess at your school?
14.Is admission need-blind?
15.Do you have IBM or Macintoshcomputers?
16.Do all students get e-mailaddresses? Do all students have Internet access?
17.What happens on a typical day atyour school?
18.Do employers come on campus andconduct interviews? Do these employers represent your field(s) of interest?
19. Are freshman allowed to have carson campus?
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