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时间:2016-03-28  / 编辑:liliang

  1. 一件事情或事物对你的影响:

  ①关于个人,比如,a(n) significant personal experience, achievement, risk, dilemma, your favorite books, poems, music, films, etc.

  ②关于社会,比如,some issues of local, national, international concern and its importance to you.

  2. 一个人对你的影响:

  ① a real person that has a significant influence on you.

  ② a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.)

  3. 你生活的家庭环境或者周围的社会环境对你的影响。

  4. 你为什么要选择这所学校,能为学校带来什么贡献,你的education plan.

  5. 引用一段话,对这段话语进行分析,写出你的观点,或想法,等等。

  vexplain anything in your academic record that may need clarification (for example, a poor academic semester in high school due to a family problem or injury)


  vhow can I contribute to ___University


  vwhy choosing ___University or___ Major?


  van individual(person) who has influence on you 或者 Briefly discuss how your family, school, neighborhood, and background have impacted your educational goals and aspirations.


  vthe impact of global communicty and describe the importance of a national or international issue or event


  vdesribe a time when you faced an academic or personal challenge , how did this experience shape who you are? 或者 Discuss any events or special circumstances that have affected your adesribe a time when you faced an academic or personal challenge , how did this experience shape who you are? 或者 Discuss any events or special circumstances that have affected your academic record, as well as any adversities you have overcome.








  Traveling Companions

  Birds fly in a V

  As they swoop, drift, and glide, inscribing magnificent patterns across the sky, birds are serene displays of grace and beauty. Long a source of inspiration, birds can be messengers from the spirit realm, or a symbol of the human soul, as they cast off their earthly mooring and soar heavenward. An upturned wing, a graceful flutter, all so effortless and free... More magnificent still is the inspiring sight of birds migrating, progressing steadily across the horizon in a solid V formation that is a singular pattern too unique to be mere chance.

  Burning Brightly

  Allowing Your Soul To Shine

  At times, we’ve all wanted to crawl under a rock and hide away from the world. We may have preferred to be invisible rather than let other people see us or notice that we exist. This desire not to be seen often happens when we are feeling very hurt, angry, or simply weary of the world. And while we may console ourselves with the defense that we are shy, an introvert, or a loner, we may actually be hiding.

  Enjoying the Ride

  The Flow of the Universe

  The flow of the universe moves through everything. It’s in the rocks that form, get pounded into dust, and are blown away, the sprouting of a summer flower born from a seed planted in the spring, the growth cycle that every human being goes through, and the current that takes us down our life’s paths. When we move with the flow, rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal current that allows us to flow with life.

  Just For Fun

  Remembering Childhood Joys

  As adults, we often get so caught up in "grown up" business that we can forget how to have pure fun. This isn’t the kind of fun that comes from doing a specific kind of activity or being in a specific mood for fun. Rather, this is the fun born from the state of pure being. You see this kind of fun in small children who are so busy being fully present to their lives and in their own bodies that the glow of fun radiates from them just because they are alive: the delight that flashes across the eyes of a child who discovers that water flows with the turn of the tap knob or the squeal of pleasure from a young baby whose tongue is being tickled by cold ice cream; then there’s the full, infectious laughter of a child watching the same hat trick for the fiftieth time.

  以上就是美国本科留学ESSAY写作小结就为大家介绍到这里,同学们如果还有任何关于出国留学的问题,可以拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站http://www.yinuoedu.net/页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )


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硕博 | 本科 | MBA| 高中
英国| 加拿大| 香港

新加坡| 美国| 新西兰

托福| 雅思| GRE|
美国| 英国| 加拿大



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