贝勒大学Baylor University是一所四年制浸信会大学,成立于1845年。用最简洁的字来形容贝勒大学的学生便是:白人、富裕、浸信会和德州人。即在这里的学生八成来自德州,他们部分是中等及中上白人家庭,浸信会的传统教义是禁止学生饮酒、赌博、跳舞和男女同居, 但近年来贝勒大学正逐渐改善以往古板保守的形象。贝勒大学最好的学科是法律,医科预备科、商科(尤其是会计和小型企业)和音乐,其他不错的学科有物理和宗教。
There is no minimum GRE or GMAT score that is required for any graduate program, but applicants may contact the program to which they are applying to find out what scores are considered competitive.
Applicants to the Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of Music in Performance, Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy and Performance and Master of Music in Collaborative Piano do not need to submit GRE or GMAT scores. Applicants to the Master of Science in Nursing can submit the GRE General Test or the MAT.
◦GRE www.gre.org; Graduate Record Exam scores are valid for 5 years.
◦ PPI www.gre.org/ppi The Personal Potential Index can be done at the same time as the GRE. It is no cost to the student. It is not a requirement, but is encouraged.
◦GMAT www.gmat.org; Graduate Management Admission Test scores are valid for 5 years.
◦TOEFL www.toefl.org; Test of English as a Foreign Language scores are valid for 2 years.
◦IELTS www.ielts.org; International English Language Testing System scores are valid for 2 years.
If your test scores are older than the allotted time, you will need to retake the exam.
简单来说: 贝勒大学研究生硕士项目接受GRE成绩和GMAT成绩,GMAT成绩不设最低要求,但要根据申请人的综合竞争力进行判断。GRE和GMAT的成绩有效期为五年,托福雅思成绩有效期为两年,考生需要提交规定时间内的有效成绩,否则需要重新参加考试。
以上是一诺留学小编给大家介绍的内容,希望可以帮助到同学们,同学们如果还有任何关于出国留学的问题,可以拨打一诺留学的免费热线400-003-6508或者010-62680991进行咨询,或者点击一诺留学官方网站http://www.yinuoedu.net/页面的“在线咨询”与一诺留学专家直接对话。微信订阅号:留学圈 (微信帐号:yinuoliuxue )
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