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时间:2016-09-05  / 编辑:liliang


  During my internship at JP Morgan Chase in July 2013, I was influenced by my supervisor, who, in a mere three-month stint interning at Goldman Sachs, helped significantly improve the firm’s internal process. Inspired by this, I came away with a sense of the diligence and industriousness required for succeeding in the financial industry. This was an important realization that had some contrast to the approach of others in the field, who place heavy emphasis on the relevance of computational science while leaving out the business of finance. Intrigued, I took the initiative to teach myself all the internal business processes of JP Morgan and chaired several sessions with new interns to discuss and brainstorm innovative ideas pertaining to the intersection of computational modeling and corporate process. After all, finance – specifically the credit instruments we are engaged every day, such as stocks, options, and futures – is becoming increasingly intertwined with everyday life. As a financial engineer, therein lies the importance of acquiring professional knowledge of the finance industry.

  As a current student of computer science at Peking University, one of the top universities in China, I have laid a solid foundation in mathematics and programming through a well-rounded curriculum and research opportunities. Among these opportunities was a research project for which I successfully used C/C++/Java/Matlab/SQL to write a preprocessing program to detect plagiarized programs that had highly similar structures. This experience allowed me to gain experience utilizing programming skills as well as critical thinking and analysis for industry-specific software applications. Academically, the well-rounded curriculum of my program – with training in univariate calculus, multivariate calculus, calculus-based probability, linear algebra and ordinary differential equations – has cultivated a wider capacity for mathematical applications, positioning me to understand finance from a multidimensional perspective.

  With a solid foundation in mathematics and motivation to succeed as an undergraduate, I also had the opportunity to participate in an international exchange program at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in September 2013. In its College of Engineering, I maintained high academic standing and continued to strive toward versatility between academics and industry-specific professionalism. For example, I enrolled in a course called Introduction to Database Systems, which gave me a sound grasp of database design, SQL, relational algebra, and functional dependency. Applying this knowledge, I became involved in a project called Paper Review Management System, where I helped develop an efficient platform for the admissions officers to deal with the large number of incoming paper submissions at a conference. The most difficult task was implementing the data interface, which contained SQL statements allowing access to the data from the remote database. To assign a common reviewer for a given paper submission, I needed to find the reviewer with the least workload in the same category as the submitted paper. This project enabled me to utilize database management more efficiently and further developed my interest to explore its relevance to various fields.

  Apart from my involvement in professional teamwork, I also worked to sharpen my research competence. In February 2013, I joined the Computer Software and Theory Lab as a research intern, doing research on the event reasoning for timed context-aware systems and algorithms under the guidance of Professor Yongzhi Cao. I studied essays about event modeling, reasoning, and belief change with noisy sensing. When reading an essay entitled, Event Modeling and Reasoning with Uncertain Information for Distributed Sensor Networks, by Jianbing Ma (first author) from Queen’s University Belfast, I spotted a mistake in the example of event combination about calculating the mass value using their model and Dempster-Shafer Theory. In response, I sent an email to Mr. Ma, to which he responded, confirming that I was correct. It was at this point I was confident that my undergraduate program in computer science and research experience had given me the academic and professional preparation I need in order to launch my graduate level studies.

  Reflecting on the state of finance and information access today, it is clear that digital technology will continue to play a role in individual as well as corporate finances. With the potential to dramatically improve the quality of life and to revolutionize the way people work, the field of financial engineering will be highly influential in determining ways in which mainframe computers can simplify the experience of financial management. During my internship at JP Morgan , I had my very first opportunity to participate in the development of a mainframe database for this purpose. My assignment was to work on updating the Supplier Management CAEC 1-ARC Contract and Contract Database. My knowledge of the finance industry was still elementary, but I gave all my effort to developing a sound understanding of how an investment bank operated so I could visualize exactly how my programming skills would be applied.

  In order to better realize my potential for applying mathematical models within the financial sector, the highly acclaimed MSFE program in Columbia University will provide me with the technical and financial sophistication to solve complex problems and develop my ability to understand, negotiate and collaborate with colleagues and customers in a volatile global business environment. Most importantly, your program has the reputation of adopting current trends in the financial industry in order to empower graduates to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field. With my graduate degree, I will aim for an internship working on derivative pricing at an investment bank on Wall Street, where I intend to apply partial differential equations and stochastic calculus to structure sophisticated products and optimize pricing strategies.

  Beyond that, I have my sights set on working for a small company to gain more experience before I establish a financial consulting firm providing solutions for corporate asset management. Just as I have approached my career in a way that emphasizes a well-rounded understanding of the financial sector, I intend to act as a third party independent for my clients in order to assist them in understanding sophisticated financial products for optimizing their investment plans. With my vision for process improvement within the financial sector and specifically for investment clients, I am aware that my undergraduate study can provide only the starting point to achieving these goals. Therefore, it is with the end in mind that I wish to further my studies at the University of Michigan, where I am confident that exposure to advanced programming methods for financial engineering will position me to realize my aspirations.

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