
时间:1970-01-01  / 编辑:Abby

  35. Westminster School

  Westminster School/Facebook

  Location: Simsbury, Connecticut

  Endowment: $92 million

  Acceptance rate: 26%

  Enrollment: 390

  The Westminster School aims to turn students into lifelong learners through dynamic relationships with instructors and a traditional liberal-arts and sciences curriculum. Students can take their education a step further through a number of enrichment opportunities, including WISE, an online summer program that features classes like mythology and genetics, and the School Year Abroad program, where students spend a year studying and traveling throughout China, France, Italy, or Spain.

  34. The Hill School

  Facebook/The Hill School

  Location: Pottstown, Pennsylvania

  Endowment: $153 million

  Acceptance rate: 32%

  Enrollment: 515

  The Hill School primes students for "college, careers, and life" through a traditional liberal-arts education, formal dress, a student-written honor code, regular family-style meals, and several signature programs. Nearly 80% of students board at The Hill School, originally founded as "The Family Boarding School" for its pioneering decision to house students and faculty under the same roof to forge connection, communication, and understanding.

  33. The Governor's Academy

  The Governor's Academy/Facebook

  Location: Byfield, Massachusetts

  Endowment: $75 million

  Acceptance rate: 23%

  Enrollment: 406

  At The Governor's Academy, each class is tailored toward helping students develop one of the school's seven essential skills, which include thinking critically, communicating effectively, and readily adapting to new situations. Students can also take advantage of the school's college counselors, who partner with them to help narrow down their choices and put together competitive applications.

  32. Emma Willard School

  Facebook/Emma Willard School

  Location: Troy, New York

  Endowment: $93 million

  Acceptance rate: 36%

  Enrollment: 358

  In 1814, Emma Hart Willard opened the doors to her Middlebury, Vermont, home and transformed it into a school. Now in upstate New York, Emma Willard School threw its bicentennial bash in 2014, celebrating a 200-year-old legacy of excellence in girls' education. Emma Willard is rooted in tradition: Each year girls participate in dozens of seasonal and farewell rituals like plays, retreats, and a baccalaureate service.

  31. Episcopal High School

  Facebook/Episcopal High School

  Location: Alexandria, Virginia

  Endowment: $214 million

  Acceptance rate: 37%

  Enrollment: 435

  In addition to more than 40 honors and Advanced Placement classes, Episcopal High School offers a host of interdisciplinary courses that explore the complexities of subjects like global energy and ethics.

  EHS graduates head on to top-notch colleges, with popular choices including Washington & Lee University, Hamilton College, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

  30. Berkshire School

  Facebook/Berkshire School

  Location: Sheffield, Massachusetts

  Endowment: $130 million

  Acceptance rate: 27%

  Enrollment: 405

  Located at the foothills of Mt. Everett, Berkshire School is surrounded by arts, culture, and health and wellness destinations in an area known as The Berkshires. The school is committed to preserving the setting's natural beauty with sustainable buildings and an 8-acre solar field. In addition to a strong college-prep curriculum, advanced programs in math and science research and humanities research are available to Berkshire students who want to explore beyond the required study.

  29. Georgetown Preparatory School

  Courtesy of Georgetown Preparatory School

  Location: North Bethesda, Maryland

  Endowment: $20 million

  Acceptance rate: 23%

  Enrollment: 492

  The oldest Jesuit school in the country, Georgetown Prep focuses on helping each student build a strong mind, body, and spirit. The all-boys school provides ample opportunities for growth — in and out of the classroom — through numerous athletic teams, student publications, and extracurricular clubs, including speech and debate, chess, and student government.

  28. Northfield Mount Hermon

  Facebook/Northfield Mount Hermon School

  Location: Mount Hermon, Massachusetts

  Endowment: $139 million

  Acceptance rate: 31%

  Enrollment: 650

  In 2014, the highest number of Northfield Mount Hermon students matriculated to Boston University, NYU, George Washington University, and Northwestern. The school helps students get there by offering $8.4 million in financial aid and a College Model Academic Program, which requires them to complete three college-prep courses each semester. Eighty percent of students are boarders on NMH's 1,565-acre campus, most of which is along the scenic Connecticut River.

  27. Kent School

  Kent School/Facebook

  Location: Kent, Connecticut

  Endowment: $75 million

  Acceptance rate: 43%

  Enrollment: 570

  Kent School's course catalog rivals that of a university, with a breadth of options that includes music technology, Roman lyrical poetry, and meteorology. The curriculum also retains serious rigor with 27 Advanced Placement classes available and opportunities for students to complete independent-study projects on a topic of their choice.

  26. St. Mark's School

  Facebook/St. Mark's School

  Location: Southborough, Massachusetts

  Endowment: $140 million

  Acceptance rate: 32%

  Enrollment: 369

  Though St. Mark's School has remained rooted in Episcopal traditions since its founding 150 years ago, the school welcomes students of all faiths and requires a biweekly multi-faith chapel service. More than two-thirds of the St. Mark's student body lives on campus, and all students have the option to take their studies global through the school's partner-exchange programs, spring-break trips, and service-learning opportunities.

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